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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/handhouse/public_html/subfiles/occupation_home.php on line 40

Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/handhouse/public_html/gujik/cab.inj_home.php on line 52

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/handhouse/public_html/gujik/cab.inj_home.php on line 52
11-17   ϰ մϴ /
11-14    ξ
11-06   ξŸ մϴ. /..
11-06   ξմϴ. /
11-05   ȳϼ~ /
11-05   ڽֽϴ /..
11-03   IJϰ ϰڽϴ /..
11-02   պξؿ 泲/泲
11-01   ξ
10-30   ξ /..
10-28   ÿ Ҽִ ξ ãֽϴ /..
10-26 ȳ缼 õ/õ..
10-25   IJϰ ϰ Ҽ ֽϴ /..
10-23   ξ /뱸
10-22    ξ 泲/泲..
10-22    ϰڽϴ! 泲/λ
10-18   ȳϼ 뱸/..
10-15   պ IJմϴ. λ/λ..
10-11   ξ ø ͽϴ 泲/..
10-10    Ź帳ϴ 泲/泲..
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